How to Find the Right Adult Diapers to Avoid Rash - Cart Health

Diaper rash is a common condition that affects individuals of all ages, including adults. Severe diaper rash can cause discomfort and pain and may be especially difficult to manage in adults. 

This article will provide information on how to treat severe diaper rash in adults. It will focus on reducing discomfort, preventing recurrences, and providing relief. In addition, it will discuss the various types of diaper rash, their causes, and the importance of seeking medical attention when necessary. You can also find information on where to find an adult diapers store here. 

Common signs include:

  • Dry skin: Skin dryness brought on by rashes.
  • Itching: Diaper rash frequently causes itching.
  • Strong impulse to rub or scratch: People with diaper rash cannot resist the urge to aggravate the affected area. Rubbing and itching may momentarily disappear the pain, but they can significantly increase inflammation.
  • Diaper area redness: This condition is frequently observed. This is the appearance of a diaper rash.
  • Swelling: Besides these symptoms, the affected area may also have lumps or swollen areas. This is a very concerning diaper rash sign.
  • Chronic diarrhea: About 50% of persons with severe diaper rash have this problem as a contributing factor.

How To Avoid Diaper Rash

Use Wet Wipes 

Children and adults both commonly get diaper rash. Yet, the appropriate course of action may vary since an adult's skin is less sensitive than a child's. Diaper rash can be decreased by using medicated wet wipes. You keep your skin dry and clean against any microorganisms coming into contact with your skin.

To avoid rashes, use wet wipes before and after putting on your diaper. Avoid rubbing your skin too much, as friction can cause skin inflammation. Your skin should be cleaned with moist wipes, patted gently, and air-dried naturally.

Utilize Absorbent Adult Diapers 

Don't cut corners when it comes to diaper quality. Stop using that particular diaper model and switch to one incredibly absorbent and comfortable if it is not absorbing enough and leaves you feeling wet all the time. 

Wetness is the primary contributor to rashes and skin discomfort. Using the same diapers over and over again might aggravate skin conditions. The Wellness pull-ups have an 8-hour maximum absorption time built into their design. Since urine is absorbed into the underwear and only the silky fabric comes into contact with your skin, they leave you feeling dry.

Invest in Some Cream or Powder

Several medical professionals advise using anti-rash treatments and talc-free powder to cure severe rashes. These creams include a sizable amount of zinc oxide, which aids in treating skin irritations, including rashes. Apply the cream three to four times daily to the affected region for optimal results.

Avoid using body wash or regular soap to wash your hands (caution). As a result, there are severe rashes and increased skin sensitivity. If necessary, use a light soap or a prescription body wash. Always use the suggested creams and powders to treat rashes at home.

Replace Diapers Often

Skin rashes can be reduced significantly by keeping one's self-clean. One has a higher chance of having damp skin for extended periods if one uses diapers to treat incontinence. Due to the dampness, this exposure can damage the skin and cause bacterial infections. You can stop bacteria from forming on your skin by regularly changing your diapers. So, people who use diapers for incontinence should change their pads or diapers more frequently.

Take two warm or gentle baths each day, notwithstanding your busy schedule. Baking soda can be added to your bath. It will eradicate all bacteria. Use fragranced body washes and soaps sparingly.

Let Your Skin Dry Out

If you use diapers for over 15-20 hours, you'll develop skin rashes and irritation. For a while, don't cover your skin with a blanket or another pair of brief or underwear to allow it to breathe. Your skin may briefly breathe thanks to the air exposure, which speeds up the healing process for diaper rash.


Severe diaper rash in adults can be difficult to treat due to its complexity and potential underlying causes. It is important to seek medical attention if the rash is severe and doesn't respond to home remedies. Treatment usually involves a combination of topical medications, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications. 

Practicing proper hygiene and keeping the affected area dry and clean is also important to prevent further irritation. With the right approach and treatments, severe diaper rash in adults can be effectively managed and prevented.

Cart Health makes finding the products you need at affordable prices easier. We provide custom-tailored product suggestions to help you live your life. Buy adult diapers here!